AirFinders is dedicated to excellence in applied mine ventilation. By supporting applied research, our goal is to keep up to date on the latest technology and to develop innovative solutions for the mining industry and its challenges.
Consulting relationships are often designed to be temporary, and once a consultant is gone, so is a lot of the knowledge gained around a specific project.
We collaborate with mining companies to develop in-house expertise by providing opportunities to experienced engineers to pursue graduate studies at the Masters (M.A.Sc.) level.
The collaboration is engaged in a unique arrangement: the engineer enrols in the university graduate program on an off-campus, part-time basis. We formulate a program comprising of a total of 4 graduate courses, taken on-line, and no time is spent by the engineer away from work. Normally the program takes 18 to 24 months for completion, depending on the complexity of the research work.
The research work generally relates to a ventilation issue of current relevance to the mine and which has a strong research component. During the study, engineering solutions are provided to resolve the problem.
With this arrangement, the mining company will keep costs down in resolving a ventilation issue and will, at the same time, build in-house expertise and stay current with developments in the industry.
Past and present participating companies include Barkerville Gold Mines, Cameco, Goldcorp, Mine Ventilation Services / SRK, Mosaic, PotashCorp / Nutrien, Rio Tinto.
If you would like to learn more about our research initiatives and are interested in pursuing ventilation research at the graduate level, please contact us.